‘Tis the Season….
Well, I’ve not posted for quite a while! Mainly because I’ve been busy making – Christmas decorations, seasonal panels, playing with sand-blasters and generally enjoying myself in the workshop.
I’ve also done a few selling events, more than normal for me, and a couple of fusing workshops down at Shed 2. So for now, I haven’t got a lot to tell you, but lots and lots to show you, so this is going to be a nice, picture heavy post – lots of pretty images to look at – and some of the items are still available (mostly listed on my Facebook page) so get in touch if you’re interested in something.
I doubt I will be posting before the big day, as I have been so busy making for other people to be able to buy gifts, I haven’t thought about *my* Christmas yet! So I’ll finish by wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.