It’s Good To Be Back!
Blimey folks, where does the time go? What with updating Facebook, Instagram, TikTok (yes, for my sins I’ve signed up for that too!) this poor old blog gets neglected at times.
So, where are we at? I see my last blog post was WAY back in October… since then, I did the October Facebook Live event, then one for Mother’s Day.
Workshops are back on! At the moment, I am still mainly doing closed/private work, but do keep an eye out for some updates to my classes soon. In person events are back on too! In June, I am doing Six Streets Arts Trail, and the Hidden Valleys Arts Trail as part of OS Notts , so if you”re out and about at either of those, do come and say hello – it’s good to be back out and see people.
I have some big and very exciting news though. I won a grant recently to help me make my business more sustainable. Not specifically in an ‘eco’ way – although my investment will mean I can recycle and re-use every scrap of glass; but in the way of what else I can offer.
I am getting a Wazer desktop water-jet cutter! A what now?
This will mean I can cut much more complex designs in my own art, as well as streamlining some of my product range for more efficiency.
I will be able to sell pre-cut shapes to other glass artists; and also be able to offer bespoke cutting services. I come from a glass background rather than a tech/cutting background; this means I will have a deeper understanding of the material than some water-jet service providers can.
But Wazer can cut lots of materials! I will be able to offer a service to other local small businesses for small scale cutting and prototyping
I’ve included a link to a quick demo video of Wazer from Solid Print 3D, who I have helped me with ordering process with lots of useful advice and insight – this clip shows it cutting metal, but it’s a similar process.
I cannot wait to get it set up and running and seeing what amazing shapes I can create.